Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Using Forums to Find Legitimate Work at Home Jobs

The general chat area may be used to get to know other moms that work at home. Learn about work at home pay, work requirements, work hours and other tips to find a job.

There was a time that the internet was full of work at home scams. Advertisements persuading internet users to pay a fee for working at home were prevalent online. Times have changed and there are legitimate work at home jobs available. One of the best ways to locate legitimate work at home jobs is to use work at home forums.
Legitimate work at home forums are always free, never pay to join. The forums discussed require free registration. Forums typically separate each type of work at home opportunity by the company name. Most work at home forums also have a general chat area. The general chat area may be used to get to know other people working at home.
At Work Place Like Home there are folders for each work at home company. The first message in each of the forums will include links and information to apply to that company. Before applying, it is wise to read the forum posts. Posts from current employees will provide a wealth of information about that job. There are frequently posts in each folder requesting information about pay, work requirements and work hours as well. Browsing the posts will help a forum user to know if the job is right for them.
Another forum that is very popular and a wealth of work at home information is This website has a link in the upper left hand corner of the homepage to a list of companies that regularly hire people to work from home. Also in the upper left hand corner of the homepage is a link to the work at home forums. The forums here area bit overwhelming. Most jobs are discussed in the folder "telecommuting moms." However, there are folders for many other work at home opportunities as well.

This website isn't a true work at home forum, so a work at home mom cannot network and learn from other work at home moms. But, this website is worth mentioning because they have constructed the most comprehensive work at home job listings on the internet. If at home research, consulting, data entry, writing, or providing customer service over the phone sounds interesting there will be a link to get started at Rat Race Rebellion.

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