Thursday, August 28, 2014

How to Overcome Writer's Block

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Tips to Overcome Writer's Block

You can use your everyday life experiences as ways to overcome writer's block. All you need is to know how to put these experiences to use as a writer. You also need to know what websites will allow you to use these everyday experiences to showcase your talents. Below are many ways that you can turn a normal day into an inspiration and overcome writer's block. 

The First Step to Overcoming Writer's Block is to Relax

Relax and Enjoy Writing

Don’t forget the first step to overcoming writer’s block is to relax. Making unrealistic goals for your writing productivity, or worrying over your dry spell can be counter-productive. Relax and enjoy writing! Before you know it you’ll be saying, “What Writer’s Block?”

Feel Like Spending the Day Chatting With Others?

Tips to Use Chatting to Overcome Writer's Block

If you are feeling chatty, why not spend the day using that to overcome your writer’s block. There are several places online that you can get paid to chat with other as a writer.

Paid Forum Posting
Answer Questions
…or network with your writer friends, by commenting on their articles to gain exposure online

Did You Buy a New Product

Use New Purchases to Overcome Writer's Block

You can use your new purchase of a product to overcome writer’s block. Sign up with one of these paid review websites and get paid to write product or service reviews on your recent purchase. If you still have the product manuals on hand, they can be great sources of inspiration as you are writing.


Do You Feel Like Surfing the Web Today?

Using Internet Research and Surfing to Overcome Writer's Block

Sometimes I get in the mood to learn something new. As I browse online, I learn as I go. Sometimes, it is difficult to remember where you saw this or that. You browser bookmarks can become cluttered if you bookmark everything that interests you. That’s where Squidoo lenses come in. Why not use your internet research to overcome your writer’s block? As you surf the net, create a lens on the subject you are researching. Link to interesting webpages, write comments that you find helpful, write your opinions, and put your own spin on the topic. Before you know it you will have written a new lens and overcome your writer’s block.

Maybe You Just Want to Talk about Your Day

Tips to Overcome Writer's Block by Blogging

You can overcome writer's block by simply blogging about your day. If you don't feel the events were particularly worthy of writing, you would be surprised. Blogging about your after school activities with the kids may help someone else come up with activity ideas.
Blogger - Create your own blog
You enjoy greater freedom over what you write to overcome your writer's block at your own personal blog, but you may not enjoy as much traffic as you would on a website that hosts your blog along-side a social network.
Blog at the Website allows you to blog and enjoy the benefits of traffic to their website to gain exposure for your blog. However, you do not have as much control over your content.

Did You Finish a Project You are Proud of?

Using How-tos to Overcome Writer's Block

You can put your daily projects and accomplishments to work as ways to overcome writer’s block. You might not think sewing a patch, knitting a scarf, or changing your own oil is an accomplishment, but to some people your knowledge has value. Put simple tasks from your own daily life, such as baking a potato, or making perfect popcorn, into how-to format. Your how-to tips are perfect ways to overcome writer’s block and there are many websites that would love to publish your finished article:

How To Do Things

Heather's Telecommute | A Work at Home Blog

101 Websites for the Freelance Writer

Websites for Publishing Writing this lens' photo
Are you looking for a new website to publish your freelance writing?...
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