Saturday, January 9, 2010

My 2009 Writing Income

Doing my taxes and thought I would share some information to help those new to the world of writing. Looking at my total earnings for 2009, I went ahead and added in the previous years earnings as well. I took the total I've earned from each website and divided it by the number of articles I currently have on the website. Now, please understand that some websites I am actively publishing on daily so there are articles counted that may not have had time to earn yet at all. But, here it is:
Earnings     Articles   Earnings/Article
$3444.24    406         $8.48              eHow
14                 1       $14.00               Brighthub
22.41            3          $7.47              eCopywriters
133.18         21         $6.34              Textbroker
34.16            9          $3.80              eXaminer
131.74         42         $3.14              Suite101
84.6             42          $2.01            Squidoo
15                10         $1.50             Life123

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