Saturday, January 9, 2010

My Quest to Become a Giant Squid

When I was new to Squidoo, in March of 2008, I noticed a "Giant Squid" program listed. To be a giant squid, you mist have 50 great lenses. If you become a giant squid, you have access to tools that can not otherwise be used as a "lens master." Squidoo also gives you special badges and notoriety as a giant squid.

It was taking a while to reach my goal of becoming a giant squid. At the beginning of December, I had 30 lenses. I received an email stating I had been nominated as a giant squid and to apply when I was ready. Knowing I do not meet the requirements, but wanting to be a big, enormous, lens making giant squid, my motivation is rejuvenated. The next deadline to apply as a giant squid is March 31st. Nobody knows how long it will continue. (more)

Today I published another lens: 5 Questions Every Freelance Writer Should Ask Before Writing for a Website 

I also have an eHow article that explains How to Make Money Writing for Squidoo

Why do I write for Squidoo? Backlinks! ..and what do you know I make money too! My best Squidoo lens has earned over $40 in 5 months.

If you want to start writing for Squidoo here is my referral: Write for Squidoo

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