Thursday, January 7, 2010

101 Best Websites for Freelance Writers

I am developing a squidoo lens with the best websites for freelance writers. One hundred and one of them to be exact. I placed it in squidoo because that website offers the voting plexo that allows readers to vote on the links to the websites. Over time, I hope the lens develops into something great.

I frequently search out the best places to write online. That is the great thing about a squidoo lens, it lets me organize things I have researched on the web into logical and easily accessible lens. Not like hand written notes in a folder that get lost, or bookmarks in my web browser that become forgotten amidst hundreds of other bookmarks.

Here is the lens: 101 Best Websites for Freelance Writers

1 comment:

David Guion said...

That's an interesting lens. I noticed the absence of one of the sites I write for, Factoidz. It gets me more views than eHow, but for some reason less money. I'd be interested to know how many sites you write for.

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